The Purposed Woman

I Help Professional Women Go Through Challenges & Changes
With More Clarity, Confidence & Results

Mitta Vicki Wise - The Clarity Visualization Coach

Vision Statement:
At Mitta Wise, our vision is to impact 1 million holistic, spiritual, open & curious women worldwide by 2030, with a goal of 1000 by end of 2024. We're all about reducing stress, visioning, increasing inspiration, & helping amazing women - YOU!  get clear on your goals & dreams enabling you to take action.
Together we are changing lives – creating a ripple effect of positive vibes, compassion & unstoppable women!

Through empowering events, group sessions & customized individual coaching, ...we give you the tools to reinvent....and to take your next bold steps in your unique journey & vision.
It's YOUR time. It's NOW.
We plan to stay connected & gather in person annually to celebrate our successes & our community.
You too can be a part of that.

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Women's Clarity, Vision & Re-Ignite Circle -
2 calls March, 2025, See schedule...

Activate Abundance 2025
A 13 expert speakers virtual event with tips, resources and free gifts!
The event is over, but...
You can still get the Access Pass with 4 Bonuses which include 2 private calls

  Is This You?

You've Lost Excitement About your Future
Feeling Stuck/Frustrated
In Transition & Struggling
Feeling Alone
Losing Hope

Unclear about Direction
Feeling Unfulfilled or that Something is Missing
Unhappy You/Family
Lack of Organization, Motivation, Vision
Looking for Meaning, not Sure of your Purpose in Life
Just want to get to your next best step toward your goal/vision

Need more connection, clarity or direction?
Want to up-level your life?
Need a change, a shift?
Just want a boost or new opportunities?
Want to be living your dreams?
Want to make a bigger impact on the world and people?

Yearning to do better & get to the next step in your life whatever that is for you?

After seeing too many women struggling, in transition, not having clarity & direction & not living their dreams...
I knew I had to do something...

I decided to create programs for women that walk you through that gap period where you are unclear about where you want to go, how to get there or maybe even who you are in all of this.

You get support, accountability, consistency, content, tools, calls, exercises, visioning, community & love!
I help you take the next step to get from where you are... to where you want to be. And if you don't know what that is - I can help.
Let's do this together!
Moving from Stressed, Unclear, Alone, and Unfulfilled... to Balanced, Focused, Connected and
Reinventing the New You!

You CAN Find your Next Steps
You CAN Turn It Around...
It's YOUR Time!

You Just Have to Reach Out...
Be Brave - I'm Friendly :-)

Here's The Support I Offer You:

Go Deeper Calls:
Support, Vision & Discover
No Obligation
For First-timers

Personal Retreat
VIP Day:

3 Month
Supportive Program:
Purpose In Action

Currently a Time Sensitive Offer:
A 10 Day Introductory Program
For Professional Women in Transition or Wanting Change

*Be more Creative & Clear
*Have more Clarity and Direction - so you're not second guessing yourself every day & you have some guidance
*Live more in Vision & Purpose - so you aren't feeling like something is missing & yearning for more
*Be Loving the Journey you are on
*Attract more opportunities
*Take your next best steps
*Up-level your life!

You receive:
Support & Guidance from me
Accountability & Consistency
Cutting Edge Techniques
Easy Everyday Exercises 
Guided Visualizations
Energy Exercises
FB group support
And More!

More Support!

FB Group
Professional Women in Transition

Group Guided Visualizations
Home & Business

 The Purposed Program Library Bundles

3 and 10 Sessions
Hypnotherapy or Energy Meridian Therapy

Women's Clarity, Vision & Re-Ignite Circle

I am here for you

More About the 3 Month Program
A Mindset Intensive and a Spiritual Journey

I take you by the hand through this process & will be there with you. You'll have support, accountability & finally the consistency you've been looking for to get to the next step.
And of course you'll be backed up with all the the love, the amazing calls, visualization, energy & clarity exercises, along with all of the content, resources & bonuses.
Make life easier, brighter, clearer.
Hold your dreams closer & nourish them so they can finally bloom.
Sail away!

Want more answers? Book a complimentary clarity call.   In this call we'll go over where you are now, where you want to be - your vision & dreams, 
what's been in your way & how to move forward.
You'll be much clearer on your vision! 
You are ready for change! 
You know you want it & need it. 
You're excited!!
Click below &   
Learn more about the 3 month program 


Life is better, more colorful, more brave. I'm here in Arizona now living the life of my dreams!  Thanks for all the work we did together Mitta
Marilyn Kay
At 42 I went back to school to become a family counselor - a decision about which I had much trepidation. As a child I had a learning disability and was teased and called stupid. The last grade I completed was the 8th. I turned to Mitta once again. Not only did I ace all the tests that I took over that period of time, but graduated in the top 2 of my class of 94 students.
Again... thank you, thank you, thank you Mitta

Cynthia A.

Mitta’s course was jammed pack with content, tips and experiences to help me reconnect to my life’s path. She is one of the kindest person I know on this planet and has brought an extensive body of work to those looking to reconnect with their Life’s Purpose. 
I was inspired, encouraged and supported by Mitta and I really enjoyed the visioning exercises in the group.
 I look forward to spending more time with her in the future.
Pam Shriver
Financial Well-Being & Human Design Specialist
Mitta Wise is an angel! She is so loving, patient, supportive and encouraging. Her support and guidance are priceless. She helped me to start to feel hope when i felt hopeless.
I am so grateful for Mitta!

Jodi Dybala

Core Beliefs & Foundation

My mother taught me that all people are equal. Maybe not always in circumstances but in inner value.
She taught me to respect and love all people's of the Earth and this is the foundation of how I live today and what I bring through to my work.  I'm so grateful that tolerance, diversity, respect & love are all an integral part of who I am.

I always believe my clients are brave!
It can be daunting sometimes to reach out to others or to one person for support, reflection and guidance. And as well go through change with commitment. And to try new ways and new things.

It takes a brave soul. :-)

But whether you feel brave or not - it's ok. 
Reach out and I'll be your brave until you feel it yourself.
Soon you'll realize how brave you really are!

My Trainings

Registered Nurse NZ
Hypnotherapist LA
Clinical Hypnotherapy SF
Breathwork AU, LA & Utah
TAT  LA, Hawaii
Palmtherapy LA
Touch For Health LA
The Reconnection AU & USA
Acupressure LA
Reflexology Feet, Hands, Ears LA
Meditation AU, LA, India
Plant Oils & Toxin Free Living LA, Utah, Online
Social Media Trainings LA & Online
Success, Business & Empowerment LA &
Online Business & Coaching programs

My Loves

My Spiritual Life and Teacher here & in India

Family, Friends, Loved Ones

Caring for People Globally, Caring for the Earth

Music - Mostly singing although occasionally a
little piano or guitar. Sang in Mews & The Small Band, Sunday Songbirds & with Mike Saul

Walking, Nature, Animals

Supporting and Creating Non Profits

Yoga & Exercises

Learning Different  Cultures 
Meeting & Supporting Indigenous People & Practices

Hosting Retreats, Participating in Retreats

About Mitta Wise

Mitta grew up in New Zealand singing the Maori songs and dances that the Maori (indigenous peoples of NZ)  women have danced since ancient time.
This enabled her to have a deep connection, reverence and respect for women on this earth locally and globally, as well as for all indigenous people.
She worked with women in India… mostly helping in communities post tsunami where she made 2 support trips to Southern India. She also has contributed to a girls school for the care and removal of work bondage, schooling and family care of young girls in a small community.

As a healing practitioner, RN, hypnotherapist and entrepreneur in Los Angeles, she has developed success & wellness online events, programs & groups supporting women through challenges & changes - both one on one and group.  She has helped so many women go from stressed to purposed, stuck to successful & alone to connected - upleveling and empowering lives big time in the process.

In her down time she meditates, sings, walks, does yoga, and spends time with her partner Mike & friends. She is heavily involved in two non profits that are close to her heart.
Mitta travels to India or Nepal every year & NZ every 2-3 years.

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Mitta Vicki Wise and The Purposed Program, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that Mitta Vicki Wise and The Purposed Program  are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. 
By clicking submit, you expressly authorize Mitta Vicki Wise and The Purposed Program  to send you emails about the program services using automated technology to the email/ number provided on the form above. You understand that you are not required to give your consent as a condition of receiving information or purchasing a product or service  and can opt out anytime.

Copyright 2020 © Mitta Vicki Wise|

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